Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Good Day, Monday

Kids Singing Lines
Kid Looking At The View

Monday morning I met the team in front of Courthouse Station to walk down to the boats at Rowes Wharf were we got on the Samuel Clemens we sailed of to Long Island to take all of CHV on a harbor cruise.

When we got to Long Island, we a boarded the campers who were ready to explore The Harbor's waters. As we were setting off we told the kids about a song that people us to sing back in the days when they were out in the water, called Haul Away Joe. We told them that if they could make the best original verse for the song they would win free ice cream. We heard some great verses.

After a while we went back to pick up the second group and did the same thing. But this ride most of the kids had more energy because they had just eaten lunch, so we played music and kid were dancing and singing on the top floor. On the bottom floor the kids played card games.

Kids Playing Cards
After leaving the kids back at the camp we went back to dock the boat and enjoyed are rid back on a wonderful boat. Thanks to Mass Bay Line Cruises and Captain Marty for making this awesome trip possible.

- Richard Marrero

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