Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Holy Mackerel a Great Year!

The Annual Fan Pier Fishing Tournament this year was a blast! This has to be my favorite time of the year, even better than new years! I mean who would not want to fish with the kids from Boston, and try to win first place with the largest fish, it is something very different, fun, and I am happy I could be apart of it for the past four years!

I love the way this year is going so far, and honestly have no problems. My role as a LHE, has helped me teach the kids and help everyone substantially. During the tournament, I helped Preston catch five Mackerel, and had a great time on the Fallon boat. I was shocked when Marcos came to the pier with a huge striped bass and won the tournament, it was awesome watching him and seeing how happy he was. It has been a lot of fun! 

- Ahmed Hassan

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