Thursday, July 24, 2014

Last Week's Adventures

Hey everyone in the blog-o-sphere!

It's Thi, back again with more stories. This weekend was packed full of adventures, including the awesome fishing tournament with the Michael Fallon company as well as the Revere Beach National Sand Sculpting Festival. I had the greatest opportunity to be a part of both.

First off, for the fishing tournament, I was placed with my younger brother, Abdi, and Jedi. We were on the Legacy, led by Captain Rick along with Steve. Things were rocky at the beginning, trying to figure out who needed to be where and what supplies we all had to have. After that, we were off! Slowly, we stayed in the inner harbor, putting out only two lines. There was a quick tug on one line, but alas, no luck on catching a fish. We then moved to various other "secret" fishing spots - ideal places where fish should be plentiful and biting. Although we were very patient, we got no bites. On the way back to Fan Pier, the captain let Jedidaia and I drive the boat!! Captain Rick told us all about the rules of the ocean, staying on which side of the red and green buoyed markers in the channel. All in all, it was a great day and a really fun experience. I even got to bring home some of the winning fish!

For the Sand Sculpting Festival, I wasn't working in the youth program, but I had a chance to visit Revere Beach with my older sister this past Monday. They were amazing!! One could tell how much time and effort there was put into the sculptures and it sure paid off. The intricate lines and details were just exciting to see.
It was such an awesome weekend and I can't wait for more adventures!!
Woot! Repping STH/STB

My favorite!

Stay wavy and cool,
Thi Tran

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