Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Ready to Work on the Harbor - Ivan Diaz

My name is Ivaniel Diaz, my family is from the Dominican Republic but I was born and raised in Boston. I have recently graduated from the John D. O’Bryant School of Mathematics and Science and will be attending Salem State University in the fall. I will be studying Business Administration with a concentration in Accounting.

My biggest hobby is playing baseball.  I have been playing baseball since I was young and I want to continue in college.  I was a co-captain and starting first baseman at O’Bryant.  Another hobby I enjoy doing is math and business related things.  I love working with things like economics and investing money into business and projecting if they would go a long way.  The past two years I served as Class Treasurer, keeping track of money raised and spent on Prom, our senior gift, and other related activities.

I am excited to be working at Save the Harbor/Save the Bay because it’s a new type of experience for me.  Although I have gone swimming before, I have never actually examined what is in the water and what type of creatures live in the Harbor.  It fascinates me how some fish have to live in a special type of water in order to live - salt water vs fresh water.  I hope to learn more about the differences between types of fish and what is good to eat and what isn’t.  I hope to be able to actually catch a fish with a fishing rod this summer.  If possible I would like to go deep in the water and see what lies in the bottom of the Harbor.

See you all out on the harbor,


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