Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Seafood Festival Fun


On Sunday, Save the Harbor/Save the Bay attended the 3rd Annual Seafood Festival celebrating 100 years of food, culture, and economy on the Boston Fish Pier. When I arrived, it was raining. But the rain didn't dampen the festivities that ran underneath big white tents along the pier. Senior Harbor Educator, Sam, and our Junior Program Assistants set-up a table to create fish prints.

Senior Harbor Educator, Sam, leading a fish print at the Boston Seafood Festival
Sam showed us how to create a fish print. We used a few different types of fish including flounder. First, Sam cleaned the fish from any residue it had. Second, he put several drops of acrylic ink on the fish; he choose a base color and an accent. Third, he spread the ink over the fish to make sure it covered its head, gills, fins, and head. Then, he cut a piece of rice paper, and he placed the paper on the fish. We helped him pat down and smooth out any ink spots. When he lifted the paper, a wonderful fish print was created.

After my shift ended, I was able to explore the festival which had music, art, and vendors. I even had a cup of chowder from No Name Seafood. It was a rainy yet rewarding day.

See you on the pier,

Iris Ayala

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