Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Crabs Are Coming!!! The Crabs Are Coming!!!

It's only been two days at Piers Park and we have caught over 20 crabs, this has never happened and we are all really excited. We have caught three Red Rocks and over 20 Green Crabs, so you know that the Crab races have been pretty amazing. This week had a lot of new Harbor explores and most of them have been afraid to touch the crabs, but they have slowly worked up the courage where they can now take the crabs from the Crab trap themselves. The new explorers are all really enthusiastic and they all are really estatic to go fishing and crabbing. The kids have all been really amazing with the crabs and we have an outstading record of zero kids pinched and almost all of the kids have held at least one crab. The kids are all learning to tell the difference between female crabs and male crabs, they have also had the oppurtunity to learn which crabs are from the harbor and which ones are invasive.

Us and The Rock Crab

Often times working with too many kids can be at times chaotic but these kids have all been such sweethearts and they all work together and are always looking out for each other. Every morning before we head down to the docks we play some games to wake the kids up, this week we played a new game called the Ship Wreck to see how well the kids follow direction and how well they can work with each other. The game has been a total success, all of the kids have proven to be really focused and they all love working with one another. In a game where listening and teamwork are very important the kids make it look easy. I really enjoy playing with the kids in the morning and in doing so I get a chance to get to know each kid on a more personal level. This can really help because we all tic different and when someone is broken it would be easier to spot them and see if I can be of assitanse in any way. Working with these new brave souls so far has been really amazing and I can't wait to continue the week and learn more about each kid.

The crab race

Jazeel Mendes-Chao

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