Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Final Goodbye

This week was sadly my last week with the first group of kids at Camp Harbor View.  It was pretty sad to realize that the children I had become so accustomed to seeing everyday at fish in club were no longer going to be there anymore.  No more crab catching and fishing and occasional skate catches. I was no longer going to talk with Niya about Lacrosse and I was no longer to see Kendrick and listen to all of his rap jokes.  But I did realize the one positive and that is that these guys are growing up and we had a chance to have an impact on their life, which I consider to be a positive one.  

Towards the end of Thursday, which was our last day together, they had a talent show, which showcased all of the kid’s talents, which included singing, dancing and even some poetry.  I was proud to see some of the more shy children go up and still perform in front of such of a large group of people.  I remember when I was their age, and I know I didn’t have that sort of courage.

The fantastic talent show
Catching crabs with the kids

The occasional catching of the skate
Camp harbor view even made a slideshow of all of the children and all of the events and great memories they had shared over the past four weeks together.  Some of the girls began to cry and hug each other realizing that this was it, but as sad as it was, it was beautiful to know they had made friendships which will last them a lifetime.

- Maxwell Kennedy-Reid

The slideshow of the past four weeks at Camp Harbor View

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