Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Fishing Tournament and After

The fishing tournament was really amazing and one of the most unexpected things happened, I caught a Cod and I was one of the winners. Last week was really great because I did not only bring dinner home, but I caught my first fish that was a keeper. The Cod I caught was exactly 24" which was the legal length needed in order to keep the fish. When I went home I was really excited to show my catch to the rest of the family and when they saw my fish they were all really happy and proud. The next day my Mother made the most amazing "Peixe Guisado" which is basically roasted fish that my Mom added some magic to and it was the best fish I've ever had.
My Cod

This week unfortunately my hot streak of catching fish has ended, but we are still at large with crabs and lobsters. On monday at McDonough they caught 2 skates- I was not fortunate enough to see them because I wasn't working on monday. Tuesday went great because we caught a lot of crabs and most of them were red rock crabs and that's always a good sign. The red rocks that we caught have been the biggest that we have caught this year and I'm really hoping that we don't run out of luck so we can keep on catching more crabs. The kids all really enjoy catching crabs, especially the red rock crabs because we only catch them on rare occasions compared to the green crabs. I know the rest of the week is also going to be great because I know we are going to catch more crabs and I know that the lobster trap is going to be filled with lobsters.

Jazeel Mendes

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