Wednesday, August 13, 2014

50 Crabs & 3 Lobsters

Hello everyone!

I have to say that working at Courageous Sailing Center has been really fun. I've seen all sorts of amazing and unexpected things and been able to share these experiences with the explorers and instructors at Courageous and the staff of Save the Harbor.

One of the coolest things that has happened there this summer was the day we caught over 50 green crabs. We have several lobster traps at Courageous and there are often crabs in them, but last week there were so many crabs in every single trap that we decided to collect them and count how many we had. Many of the campers were fascinated to see how many crabs there were and how many there might be crawling around all over the harbor.

Grab a crab!

Another amazing thing that happened at Courageous is when we caught three lobsters in a trap we did not even know was there! Save the Harbor has been working with Courageous for years so we have put traps down on lines that are often hard to see. At first we thought there were just two big lobsters in the trap, but I noticed that the bait bag seemed really full... Turns out it was full of lobster! Another smaller lobster was squeezed in there so tightly that we thought it might not be alive. 

There's a lobster in there!

I slowly opened the bait bag and it started trying to move around. We eased it out carefully because its claws and many spines kept getting snagged on the mesh, but eventually it was free! 

Almost free!

Catching three lobsters after only having caught one or two sporadically the whole season was very unexpected, but hopefully we will catch more now that we have new traps and we know how many traps we need to check. I also think that we will succeed in catching a fish with a rod one of these days, as long as we just keep trying!

A beautiful day for fishing at Courageous

See you on the dock, 

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