Tuesday, August 5, 2014

A few of my favorite munchkins

 I’m probably not supposed to have a favorite but I always do; some of the kids I spend the morning with are just too cute that I can’t handle it. I absolutely love Warren, Elena and Maya. These three are so amazing; they have really awesome personalities and are really nice. I can tell Elena is going to be wicked smart because she always follows me around asking me different questions about water and sea creatures. Maya is just extremely adorable and is always telling me that girls and boys are all the same and one isn’t cooler than the other. Warren is the smallest and cutest of all the little boys.
The kids really have grown on me and it has only been a few days. It makes me a little sad that we get new kids every week but it’s pretty awesome that we get to meet all these different kids that have all these awesome personalities. Little kids are just so interesting and all have different views on things and react to things differently. I absolutely LOVE it. The other day we caught a fish in the crab trap, which was pretty interesting, but not all the kids were into it unfortunately but its ok, they don’t have to be interested in everything that happens on the dock.

Esmeralda Mendez

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