Friday, August 22, 2014

A Summer To Remember

Working for Save the Harbor/ Save the Bay this summer as a Senior Harbor Educator was an unforgettable experience. Not only did I learn so much about the Boston Harbor and working with kids, but I also made a ton of friends. When I look back on this summer I feel as though it just began- I remember playing "ride that pony" at our staff orientation like it was yesterday. Getting to know all of our Junior Program Assistants and Lead Harbor Explorers was such a fun experience, and I know I'll cherish the memories we made forever. 
The whole crew during our orientation!
Over the course of the summer I worked at two sites: the Piers Park Sailing Center in East Boston and the Harry McDonough Sailing Center in South Boston. Both had incredible kids eager to learn about the Boston Harbor and all it has to offer. My favorite experiences were when we would catch something new in the crab traps, lobster traps, or on a hook- the campers were always so excited to see the new creature and to learn more about it! The most interesting things we caught all summer were skates, sea stars, flounders, HUGE lobsters, and a squid on our very last day of camp! Piers Park was a lot of fun because we had many of the same kids come back week after week. It was great to watch them grow with the program and use the skills they were learning all throughout the summer. Our afternoons at McDonough were a blast-it's a hectic place with kids running amuck, but it was definitely my favorite place to work. We made so many little friends there over the course of the summer, and I know I'm going to miss them all! 

Dissecting a Sea Squirt at Piers Park
 One of my favorite memories from this summer was participating in the Jet Blue Swim and Paddle for Boston Harbor. The other Senior Marine Educators and I swam the entire mile after first believing we couldn't do it! We had only planned on swimming to the first buoy and then heading back to the beach, but once we rounded the first marker we all decided to keep going and finish the race together. I was so proud of myself for completing the mile, and it was a great bonding experience!

After the one-mile swim!
All in all it was an amazing summer- one I will never forget. Thank you to all of the Junior Program Assistants and Lead Harbor Explorers who worked so hard to give the children of Boston a fantastic summer! And to my fellow Senior Marine Educators- I had a blast getting to know all of you during our various staff meetings and the many events we worked all summer, praise cod! 

Thank you Bruce, Patty, and Bridget for such a wonderful opportunity!

-Kelly Randall-

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