Wednesday, August 20, 2014

A Week of Firsts: All Access Boston Harbor

At the beginning of the week, I was challenged to do something every day that I had never done before. Initially, I thought this would be quite a difficult task to accomplish; however, I am glad to say I was proven wrong each an every day I spent on Spectacle Island.

Pre game huddle. GO PURPLE DRAGONS!

Stepping off the boat and onto the dock I realized I had arrived in a new and exciting place I had never been before.  I couldn't wait to find my way up to the flat grassy field where we would be able to play games.  A group of excited kids followed us up the path to the playing field.  In no time at all teams were formed and it was time to play kick ball!  Not since elementary school gym class had I seen such excitement over kicking that bouncing red rubber ball.  The games were full of close calls, walk off home runs, stolen bases and most importantly big smiles.

After all of the games were over, it was time to add another item to my list of new experiences.  It was one that I had over looked completely.  The time had finally come for me to swim in the harbor for the first time.  The water was cool and refreshing, a perfect way to end my day on the island.

Can't wait to get back out there!!
See you on the field and in the water!

Lindsay Phenix
Senior Harbor Educator & Coach

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