Monday, August 11, 2014

Beach Bash and Splash

Pouring water on Amed
During our Beach Bash and Splash event I can truly say I had an amazing day. All of the staff got there extra early and although it was early you wouldn't be able to tell with the high levels of excitement that filled the air.  We were awake and ready, we even poured a huge ice bucket on one of my good friends and co-workers, Amed, which set the tone for a fun day.  The kids came in quite large numbers and were excited to be on the beach and we were happy to have them.

We had many activities set up like volleyball, swimming, painting, etc.  It was definitely one of the hotter days we had so everyone was very happy swimming was an option.  It was fun to play with children, co-workers and other staff members from the surrounding neighborhoods.  I had the chance to see plenty of new faces and at the same time have a positive impact.

Someone was ready to have some fun

 Me along with some of my co-workers even collected signatures to ensure an easier way for transportation to the Harbor Islands, unfortunately many children in the Boston area do no have cars and in order to get to some of the ferry's you need a vehicle and on top of that for a family of four its about 60 dollars so we are also dying to get lower prices.

Swing your hands in the air like you just don't care

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