Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Beach Bash and Splash!

 photo IMG_6374_zpsa07b237b.jpgThis was my first ever Beach Bash and Splash with Save the Harbor /Save the Bay, and I never thought that it would be this fun! I didn't know what to expect when the day started with hundreds of kids. I don't know which was more fun; having 700 kids on the beach, or getting all of them to jump in the water at once. The day was perfect from start to finish. The kids were excited to play football, baseball and volleyball. Kids from different programs were teaming up to have the time of their lives during the games. Home run after home run, touchdown after touchdown, and ace after ace, the kids didn't just bring their swim trunks to the beach, they also brought there game faces.

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Sports weren't the only thing that was exciting, there was also face painting, a touch tank and more. But my personal favorite was the thousands of hot dogs that we made for everyone on the beach. I have never seen so many hot dogs in my life! Thousands of hot dogs and buns and not enough hands as about twenty people had to serve thousands! 

But the highlight of the day was getting everyone on the beach to jump in the water together. With a thousand people on the beach, I would figure that there would be a few hundred that didn't want to par take in the annual splash. But to my surprise everyone jumped in the water. It was a great way to end an amazing day. I cant wait to do it again!

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See you next time, Preston

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