Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Blacks Creek Experience

I was not on All Access Boston Harbor on Wednesday, instead I was scheduled to go to Blacks Creek and Camp Harbor View. It was a new experience for me since I didn't know that in some sites Save the Harbor/ Save the Bay worked as it's own camp where parents left their kids. I was used to camps coming to us and going on a boat to a harbor island or at the Children's museum where kids are with an adult and just stop by for a few minutes. It was fun to watch an actual sand castle be made, because it's something I do not  usually do since I am not a very creative person. A small memory of All Access Boston Harbor is that when the kids want to take a break from exploring the water and looking for sea animals is that they can play some games. For example, the played 4square, kickball, and they got introduced to a game made up at AABH, double bounce. The kids had a lot of fun!

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