Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Boston Seafood Festival!

Despite Sunday's wash out weather, there was a lot happening on the Boston Fish Pier.  The Seafood Festival was well under way and a little rain certainly didn't deter the crowds from the great food and many activities going on.  Our main event of the day was fish printing.  Although we received some strange looks at first, as we spread the ink over the fish, once a few example pieces were done people were over joyed to join in.

Soon our table was crowded with kids and families wanting to make beautiful pieces art.  Some tough decisions had to be made throughout the day, like whether to use blue or green or if the fish would look better in stripes or dots; but in no time our tent was lined in flounder prints of every color. The coolest part of the process was seeing the anticipation on the kids faces as the rice paper was lifted off of the fish and the design was revealed.  I'm really looking forward to seeing how each of the individual prints come together in our Save the Harbor mural!

Peace, Love & Fish Prints!

Lindsay Phenix

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