Monday, August 4, 2014

Checking out McDonough

This week I got the chance to visit the McDonough Sailing Center in South Boston. It was my first time to this site, and I absolutely loved it. Castle Island is beautiful and all the kids were laughing and smiling while enjoying the ocean. It was a beautiful afternoon and I had such a great time with all of the kids and the other Save the Harbor staff. The kids were all so excited when we arrived, and they couldn’t wait to start fishing and setting up the crab trap.

We didn’t catch any fish, but we caught a couple green crabs, which the kids loved. We even pulled up some interesting items with the rods, like one thing that looked like a poster covered in algae. It was great seeing just how excited and happy the kids were to hold the rod and try their best catch something, and they were always interested in whatever it was.

While at McDonough, I got to go out on the lobster boat with three kids, Jazeel, and Ellie, a member of the McDonough staff. The kids loved being out on the boat, and so did I. Jazeel pulled up the two lobster traps with the help of a little boy named Robert. There were five lobsters in one trap, and the other had a bunch of crabs in it. The kids on the boat all had fun playing with them, and so did all of the other kids when we brought them back to the dock. They all took turns holding the sea creatures while we taught them a little bit about the animals. It was an amazing afternoon at McDonough, and I hope I get the chance to go back before the summer’s over!

-Hallie Fox

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