Monday, August 4, 2014

Fun in the Sun

Blacks Creek is filled with exciting , energetic and intellectual children. These three attributes were certainly worked out on a hot day here at the Creek. The kids there decided that they would do things by the beach today instead of the field. They were creating huge sand castles and using their imagination to create different but very unique styles of different parts of the sand castles. Some kids decided to create a big four square in the sand and play. That was pretty fun to join in on considering they were really good at the game! They even knew a few tricks I had no idea about. Learning is always fun after all.  A few kids and I created a crab arena in which they were supposed to fight. We had about 10 huge crabs inside of this pit looking hole in the sand, but instead of fighting they just walked all over each other. It was still fun to make some pretty cool and interesting things in the sand.
- Chemar D

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