Thursday, August 7, 2014

Second Session Startup

The second session at CHV started up last past Tuesday. This meant a whole new group of kids; some with fresh faces, and others that I had met last year - all eagerly anticipating a summer of fun out on Long Island.

Because it was the first day much of it was spent getting the kids into the clubs they wanted, and showing the new campers what and where things are at the camp. While this would seem like a tedious endeavor for nearly 500 kids, the exceptional staff at CHV know how to make even the most routine moments fun.

For my team and I, the day began at the club fair, where club leaders display their club and try to get kids to sign up. As usual Save the Harbor put in a strong showing to get kids to join our fishing club. Our sign and props were attention grabbing. Priceless looks erupted from the faces of campers when we acted as though our prop lures were alive. I can't even imagine the ruckus that would have been raised if we had brought a real fish, but to be fair to the other clubs and ensure that they also had some campers, we had to hold back. Needless to say, we had plenty of customers looking forward to wetting a line and hopefully fighting a fish.

After that the campers headed out to different areas of the camp to find out what kinds of activities happen at each site throughout the summer. SHSB runs through the camp's Knowledge Is Power program so we headed up to the KIP building for our presentations.

On the way over, Bob, the head groundskeeper, grabbed my attention and told me that a lobster had made its way into our trap. Fantastic! Nothing better than a fresh lobster to get the kids asking questions and wondering about what else Save The Harbor has planned for the summer. After a quick run down to the docks the team and I were on stage with a cooler full of freshly caught crabs and lobster.

Holding a lobster for the first time.
The lobster worked like a charm - striking aw and sparking discussion. We left that day with many campers eager to come down to Shell Beach and explore The Harbor with us.

To new explorers and stewards of The Harbor,
Tom Rebula

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