Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Spider Crab

Today at the children museum, I caught a giant spider crab. It was the biggest spider crab I ever caught and ever seen. The crab was a male and it wasn't as dirty looking as the others. The big crab was put into the touch tank together with the green crabs. Then we added some squid so it would be able to eat.

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A lot of the children were scared to touch and pick up the giant spider crab, but eventually they gained confidence and tried. There wasn't many fish today that we were able to put in the touch tank or to be able to show them to any of the children. The crabs are different from each other in many ways.  Such like in size and with the way they catch their own pray. The children would sometimes catch crabs on their fishing pole. The crabs are scavengers. Which means that they would eat anything that is under the water.

                                          -Edward C

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