Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Splash, Crack, Pinch: A Crab's Life

Hey everyone,
The Crabs at Blacks Creek Have Serious Leg Strength
Since there's no kickball at Camp Harbor View, I had to find a new favorite thing to do and crabs is definitely IN! We usually use the crabs  from Blacks Creek when we run out of bait. You'd be surprised with how fast the kids lose bait at Camp Harbor View.
It is extremely lucky that the crabs at Blacks Creek are practically jumping into the net. Since they're sometimes missing rods at the site, not everyone can fish at the same time. When this happens someone is usually stuck without one om the pier. That can get boring pretty fast, so why not play with the live bait? Since you almost always get green crabs, the fishing club campers have learned the difference between male and female crabs. They also learned how to tell the difference between other species. Green crabs aren't always green so you can always tell by the five spikes on its shell for G-R-E-E-N. After fishing club closes for the day, beach walks follow. The last two days have been really low tide so it's been easier to flip over rocks.
Yesterday We Found A Lobster In the Traps at CHV
The crabs that you find by the shore are super tiny. You have to grab them fast or they'll run away. They're shells do a good job of camouflaging from expectant campers and potential enemies. Always bring your sneakers because you don't want to climb over the rocks in flip flops. It is definitely not fun to stub your toe or injure your foot. 
Until Next Time,
Ruth Scott

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