Monday, August 25, 2014

Visiting Blacks Creek and Camp Harbor View

This week I got the chance to visit Blacks Creek for the first time this summer. From the beginning all of the kids were excited and ready to start exploring the waters. The environment and the animals there are so different than what you find at the other sites so it was really fun checking out the area with the kids. Together, they caught buckets full of minnows and shrimp along with hermit crabs, green crabs, and snails.

building the crab castle
The kids got the most excited about catching Mummichogs, a fish I had not even heard of until visiting Blacks Creek. They are a small fish that mostly populate salt marshes, and shallow, muddy channels, and their name is derived from a Narragansett term that means "going in crowds". It was really cool to see so many of these little fish for the first time. Once the kids had all gotten their fair share of creature catching, they built a castle out of sand and drift wood for the crabs.

In the afternoon we visited Camp Harbor View where I got to know some of the campers while fishing with them on the pier. I also got to venture up to the light house when I participated at a checkpoint at the camp's version of  The Amazing Race. At the lighthouse, the kids had to create a two line, rhyming poem, and it was really fun to hear what they came up with. All the kids had a blast running around during the game, and it was a great way to meet some new faces.

Overall, it was a great and exciting day at both Blacks Creek and Camp Harbor View!

-Hallie Fox

Fishing at CHV

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