Tuesday, September 30, 2014

400 Join Save the Harbor/ Save the Bay for our 1st Free Fall Cruise to Spectacle Island

On Saturday, September 29th, 400 people from across the city and around the region joined Save the Harbor/ Save the Bay for a free cruise to discover the Treasures of Spectacle Island.

It was warm and sunny as the day began at Bay State Cruise Company's dock at the World Trade Center in South Boston. On the short trip to the island participants heard from Save the Harbor's Bay Watcher Bruce Berman about the history of the harbor, the Boston Harbor clean up and the transformation of Spectacle Island from a dumpsite into one of the most popular destinations in the Boston Harbor Islands National Park.

Daniela and Stephanie from EnerNOC enjoy some time in the sun
Onboard the Provincetown II, Save the Harbor shared their favorite sea shanty, Haul Away Joe, with the crowd. "This song teaches us a timeless lesson. When we all pull in the same direction we can get almost anything done." said Berman.

 A few brave souls wrote and sang their own verses to the song. Everyone who wrote a verse and shared their song received a blue marble and the chance to win a round trip ticket from JetBlue Airways to any nonstop destination they serve from Logan airport as part of the "Simply Marble-ous Treasure Hunt" which runs through Halloween. (You can find out more about the contest here)

James Nicoleau from Allston, who works on the Fish Pier,  joined us for a day of fun with his family! 

Once on the island, DCR Rangers led groups on a tour of the island, where they had a chance to learn about the fascinating history of Spectacle Island and local wildlife. Amy, Ian and Rachel from Save the Harbor/ Save the Bay spent their day along the shore helping beachcombers discover and interpret the many treasures and artifacts found on the beach.

Lungowe, Grace, and Chawanzi Muwina from
Chelsea enjoyed searching for beach glass during their day on Spectacle Island 

Amy Gaylord, Staff Assistant at Save the Harbor/ Save the Bay, played a large part in getting the 400 kids and families out to Spectacle Island for the free cruise. "It was a beautiful day to share the harbor with teens and families from all over Greater Boston. First-time visitors and frequenters of Spectacle Island enjoyed hunting on the beach for artifacts, hiking to the top of the North Drumlin for views of the city, and even swimming at the beach in the 80 degree weather!"  

Giles Parker, the Superintendent of the Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation
 Area, with Bruce Berman, Save the Harbor's Bay Watcher 

Giles Parker, Superintendent of the Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area, joined us for the trip and enjoyed a great hike to the top of Spectacle Island as well as a tasty striped bass salad provided by Save the Harbor/ Save the Bay’s Bay Watcher, Bruce Berman. "It's great to see all of Boston represented on this boat," Parker said. “I can’t think of a better way to spend the day than enjoying a cruise on the Boston Harbor and exploring one of Boston’s favorite Harbor Islands!” 

It was a beautiful day spent on Boston Harbor!

Everyone who took part agreed that it was a great day on Boston Harbor and Spectacle Island.

 Save the Harbor/ Save the Bay will host another free fall cruise to Spectacle Island on Saturday, October 25th to celebrate another great season on Boston Harbor. 
If you would like to join Save the Harbor/Save the Bay on the 25th, please RSVP to gaylord@savetheharbor.org.

Make a contribution here if you would like to support Save the Harbor's free events, such as this one. 

Save the Harbor's free youth environmental education and family programs are made possible with Leadership Grants from Bay State Cruise Company, Distrigas/GDF SUEZ, The Coca-Cola Foundation, Ludcke Foundation, and the Yawkey Foundation II.

Save the Harbor is grateful for Partnership Grants from Forrest Berkley & Marcie Tyre Berkley, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, The Chiofaro Company, The Fallon Company, Hampshire House Corporation – Cheers for Children, John Hancock Financial Services, Inc., Massachusetts Bay Lines, Massachusetts Port Authority, National Grid Foundation, P&G Gillette, William E & Bertha E. Schrafft Charitable Trust, and the Clinton H. & Wilma T. Shattuck Charitable Trust.

Save the Harbor also appreciates funding support from Arbella Insurance Group Charitable Foundation, Baystate Federal Savings Charitable Foundation, BCYF Curley Community Center, Blue Hills Bank Foundation, Blue Hills Bank Pavilion, BOMA, Boston Bruins Foundation, Boston Center for Youth and Families, Breckinridge Capital Advisors, Carnival Foundation, Clippership Foundation, Circle Furniture, Community-Suffolk, Inc., Department of Conversation and Recreation, Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation,Paul & Phyllis Fireman Charitable Foundation, Matthew J. & Gilda F. Strazzula Foundation, Goulston & Storrs, HYM Investment Group Inc., Lovett Woodsum Family Foundation, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, National Park Service, Rowan Murphy & Andus Baker, P&G Gillette, Reebok Foundation, Santander Bank Foundation, South Boston Community Development Foundation, Thomas & Lucinda Foley, Red Sox Foundation, Lawrence J. & Anne Rubenstein Foundation, Senior Housing Property Trust, TD Charitable Foundation, YMCA of Greater Boston, and hundreds of individual donors.

We would also like to thank our Better Beaches Program funding partners for their support, including the more than 500 participants in the 2014 Harpoon Helps Cupid Splash and: 

Comcast Massachusetts
Harold Whitworth Pierce Charitable Trust
Harpoon Brewery
JetBlue Airways
Mass Bay Credit Union
National Grid
P&G Gillette
Russo Marine

For more information about Save the Harbor/Save the Bay,
visit our website at www.savetheharbor.org, join savetheharbor on Facebook or follow savetheharbor on Twitter

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