Monday, September 22, 2014

From Southie to Eastie

On Saturday, September 20th, the Better Beaches Program was in full swing across the Metropolitan Beaches.

South Boston's City Point Neighborhood Association hosted their annual "Beat the Summer Sizzle" event at Marine Park, where local families enjoyed hamburgers and hot dogs, tossed around a football, and learned about Larry the five pound Lobster!

Representative Nick Collins came out to enjoy the sunny day in the park.

Senator Linda Dorcena Forry's office provided ice cream for the event, and local artist Dan McCole provided painting instruction for both kids and adults.

Meanwhile in East Boston, the HarborArts Festival was in full swing.  All along the shipyard, local artists set up booths to sell handmade wares, and there were food trucks and beer stands on hand.  A full lineup of bands played from the afternoon through the evening at the end of the pier.  

Local artist Liz LaManche's "Dock Tattoo" was on full display, with impressively rendered sea creatures and nautical images among many other designs.  

There were activities at the Festival to appeal to all age ranges-- it was really a great event!  

All in all it was a busy Saturday for Save the Harbor.  Now we look forward to next Saturday, when we will host a cruise to Spectacle Island.  I encourage you to get out on the Harbor to enjoy the beautiful weather!

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