Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Greetings From Heather Bell


My internship with Save the Harbor/Save the Bay only began about a week ago. My main focus will be on the environmental policy side of things. My goal is to become involved with the Metropolitan Beaches Commission and the Waves of Change report that identifies the concerns of the beachfront communities and how those concerns can be effectively addressed in the future. 

I have been thoroughly impressed with the success Save the Harbor/Save the Bay has had with strengthening the connection between the Boston communities and the harbor in order to promote environmental integrity and fuel the region’s economy. Recently, I graduated from Vermont Law School with a Masters of Environmental Law and Policy. I earned my Bachelors in Environmental Studies from St. Lawrence University. 

Outside of academia, I have worked for several non-profits with a focus on wildlife conservation. My all time favorite experience so far working in the non-profit sector was being involved in bat surveys when White Nose Syndrome was decimating the northeastern bat populations. Working with Save the Harbor/Save the Bay on the environmental policy side of things I may not be out in the woods conducting wildlife surveys but I am very excited for the opportunity to promote Save the harbor/Save the Bay’s mission to restore and protect the beaches, the harbor, and the bay for everyone in the Boston area to enjoy.

Another reason I joined the team at Save the Harbor/Save the Bay was because I think it was due time that I had an adventure and mixed things up a little bit. I needed to step out of the small New England towns I was used to and get a little uncomfortable in a big city. Boston has so much to offer and I am looking forward to exploring it all! 
-Heather Bell

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