Monday, February 9, 2015

Boston Harbor Snow Dumping

As Boston digs out from this week's record snowfall, we wanted to let you know why Save the Harbor/Save the Bay supports dumping snow into Boston Harbor during snow emergencies like the one we now face.

While we recognize that snow can carry trash, oil, and other pollutants and can cause damage if dumped into shallow water onto fragile wetlands, much of Boston's inner Harbor is 40 feet deep with a large tidal flow.  As a result, disposing of snow will have a very limited impact on the marine environment.

The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection supports this position. Though their regulations prohibit disposing of snow in vegetated wetlands and certain other fragile environments, they permit snow disposal “under extraordinary conditions” in open bodies of water like Boston Harbor.

According to Save the Harbor's spokesman Bruce Berman, "The extreme snow falls we have faced over the past few weeks has certainly created extraordinary conditions. We believe that the Mayor and City officials are right to put the public's safety first, and support their decision to consider dumping snow into the harbor as a last resort."

For more information please call Save the Harbor's Director of Strategy, Communications and Programs Bruce Berman at 617-293-6243.

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