Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Darah B. Moreira

  Hey everyone, my name is Darah. I am 17 years old and I attend Cardinal Spellman High School as a junior. I am extremely excited to be working with Save the Harbor/Save the Bay as an intern for the week. Coming into this I had no idea what the program was about, but even after getting a quick look at the Programs and reading about Save the Harbor I am really excited for the rest of the week. If I am good at anything it would be having fun, and Save the Harbor has fun but also supplies Bostons residents with better, cleaner, beaches. All this beach talk leads me to another thing, summer! The summer program looks like a blast! I will definitely look into a job for this upcoming summer, and hopefully get a chance to expand my knowledge about the Harbor and its history.
  About me, I spend most of my time playing soccer whether its for my school or club team. I really enjoy summer and traveling. Especially being from Florida and being so used to summer all the time, I value a clean beach. In ways just like the families of the Harbor. I am so excited to finish off the week and learn more about the things I can do to make beaches around me cleaner!

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