Thursday, June 25, 2015

Boston Harbor Explorers Program Registration at Black's Creek!

On Wednesday, June 24th, Save the Harbor/Save the Bay held open registration for its Boston Harbor Explorers Program at Black’s Creek in Quincy. Save the Harbor's youth program runs closely with the Quincy Department of Recreation's sailing program. 

Amy registering summer explorers
Parents arrived at Pageant Field in the morning to sign their children up for Quincy Rec summer clinics, boating lessons, and Save the Harbor's Boston Harbor Explorers program. To kick off the registration, Amy spoke to the group of parents about what the program is all about and why it’s a great opportunity for their kids. Boston Harbor Explorers at Blacks Creek is a free program that runs Monday through Thursday from 9am to 12pm and is open to kids ages 6 and up. It begins July 6th, one week after the Black’s Creek Sailing Program begins, and continues through the summer until August 12th. Save the Harbor staff meet the participants right at the boathouse, at 9am and again at 10:30am, before and after the sailing sessions. Participants are welcome to stay for one or both sessions of the program during the day. 

Taking a break from fishing to build some sand castles
Everyone loved the idea of giving their children a chance to have some hands-on educational experience in environmental and marine exploration. Boston Harbor Explorers spend their day fishing, wading in the water, taking nature walks along the shore and in the woods, and looking for crabs and other critters. In between exploration adventures, Save the Harbor staff members explain the history of Boston Harbor and its cleanup, and describe the marine ecosystem in which Black’s Creek is situated. Underwater cameras and water quality testing kits give kids a chance to see and understand what’s below the water's surface.  Many parents were signing their kids up for a second, third, and even fourth summer with Save the Harbor and couldn’t say enough about how much fun their kids had and how excited they were to spend another summer with us. 

We spend lots of time looking for critters on the beach
For more information about our Boston Harbor Explorers Program, or to register your child for the Boston Harbor Explorers program at Blacks Creek email 
Amy Gaylord at 
The program runs Monday through Thursday, 9am to noon, from July 6th through August 12th

We hope to see you there! 
Two young explorers excited for the summer
 --Jessie Thuma, Policy/Communication Intern

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