Wednesday, July 15, 2015

A Little Bit of Paint, A Whole Lot of Clams

Nothing is better than watching kids get themselves completely covered in paint. After a warm day of soccer we cooled off with a little painting activity with the kids. Many of them could can really take painting far, later on in life. The kids painted half of a paper, and then folded it. Afterwards they were told to write a poem about what they saw. As most of them wrote about the butterflies they made, others had no idea what they made. From the greens, to the blues, to the reds, kids took their brushes to paper and made works of art. I'm not all that talented with a brush, but i think i did a pretty good job. Hey, take a look at my painting. What do you see?

One of the many activities that we can do on carson is clamming! When you step on the beach, you can see little squirts of water shooting up from the sand. If you dig deep enough you can find clams! The kids love it. Many of them have never seen a clam before and its always exciting to see their face when they see the neck of the clam sticking out of the shell. At Carson today the kids found more than 100 clams! It was like every time one kid found one, another found two. there were so many clams that they built a mosh pit to fit them all. Between all the clams and all the paint i don't know which one the kids liked more.

Until next time,


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