Tuesday, July 7, 2015

About Myself

My name is Abdi which is short for Abdullahi, Im 16 and from Roxbury. I go to Madison Park High and going to be a junior this upcoming fall. This is my second summer at Save the Harbor/Save the Bay. I came back to Save the Harbor because I had fun last summer and met really cool people. I mainly play soccer and basketball. I spend about 5 - 6 hours playing one of those two sports each day. I played for both Madison and a club team. After college I hope to become a soccer player, if not, I'd want to become an engineer. One thing I'm looking forward to working with Save the Harbor on this year is the Beach Bash, because it was really fun last year, and also working at Blacks Creek because the kids there get super excited about learning.
Blacks creek 
Abdullahi Abdi

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