Friday, July 24, 2015

Animals at Blacks Creek

Hey friends of Save the Harbor!

This week we've had a lot of luck with finding critters in the water. The kids were really excited that we had caught so much because there were a few slower days last week where we didn't find too many animals.

After catching a few glimpses of birds last week, we spotted a lot this week. They brought a lot of excitement and joy to the kids, who would immediately stop whatever they were doing to watch a bird fly or swim by. They especially liked the cormorants and the way that they held out their wings to dry off. A hawk was spotted once or twice, inspiring the kids to keep a constant lookout for more. A turkey also graced us with its presence, but it disappeared before we got a picture.

Ducks and cormorants.

The crab trap has been great this week. We've caught multiple crabs every time it's been put to use, which drives the kids crazy with happiness. The crab trap has become one of their favorite things at Blacks Creek, as evidenced by their non-stop questions, "can we use the crab trap today?" and "when can we use the crab trap?". This week was the first time that I learned how to use a crab trap, and it was also the first week that we allowed some of the kids to help with the crab trap, which definitely helped to increase its popularity.

Carolyn and the crab trap
Looking forward to updating you on our bird-watching adventures!
Dan O'Hara

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