Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Back For Round Two

I'm Back! My name is Preston and I'm back at Save The Harbor for a second year, and I am excited to be back for another amazing summer. Last year was great! I met so many new people and had an amazing time interacting with kids on a daily basis. I don't know what I liked the most about last year. From boat rides out on All Access, to the numerous crabs I have caught, to the fantastic smell of Harbor water. Every moment was a memorable one, and this year I plan on adding to the list of memories.

This year my goal is to try something new, something that I didn't do or failed to do last year. One goal would be to catch a large fish. A large stripped bass is what I have in mind. I heard it would put up a fight if I were to catch one. It would be great to catch one of those. It seems like everyone has caught one, except for me. Once I catch one of those, my summer will be complete.
     Overall, I can't wait to get started for another amazing year! I hope to see many familiar faces, and new ones as well. Save the Harbor Save the Bay is a great place to work and this year will be as awesome as the last. Looking forward to blog again soon, Preston.

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