Sunday, July 19, 2015

Beach Event & The Amazing Race

Thursday at Camp Harbor View the kids took part in the " Amazing Race", which is pretty much a scavenger hunt around the island. We were stationed at Shell Beach and made the kids work for their clues. The kids had to find three objects along the beach before receiving a clue that usually said "Keep those feet moving and continue your trek, your groups next clue is on the LIT deck". The three objects varied between muscle shells, oyster shells, a blue marble, plastic, etc. After they found their objects, they had to take a group picture before we gave them the next clue.

Thursday night I was fortunate enough to attend my first beach event for Save the Harbor. The event was at East Boston's Constitution Beach and was held by the YMCA. The campfire was warm, the marshmallow's were gooey, and the DJ was playing. The kids loved learning about and looking for clams and managed to dig some pretty deep holes in the process!
Until Next Time!

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