Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Campfire Event......

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All of the counselors
Hey again!

   I'm excited to talk about the campfire event at Constitution Beach.  It was an amazing day and a lot of fun, but for me was an emotional day too, because my toe kept getting hurt. I keep hurting my self playing sports with the kids at Piers Park! I was limping like an old man, struggling to move around with the kids at Constitution Beach to find some clams, but I made it through the day. I learned how to find clams at the beach with the other counselors. They told me to step on the sand until I saw water jumping in there air, and then dig there! Clams are shellfish that you can eat at a restaurant. 

At the end of the clamming, one of the kids rescued a little hermit crab, and she gave it to Esmeralda. I jokingly told her that it's healthy to eat hermit crabs, but she didn't believe me. So, I told every counselor that they should want to eat hermit crabs because they are healthy, but they kept saying "no" too! Then, they told me to eat it, so I told them that I am allergic to seafood! Finally, they told me to stop joking since I wasn't going to eat it myself- maybe next time I'll trick them!

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Kids dancing by the D.J.
      Another great part of the day was Mauricio drawing on the beach. He wrote "Save the Harbor/Save the Bay" in the sand. When we finished drawing, we played soccer for a bit and made marshmallows. It was great to have the campfire, but I wish we had chocolate and graham crackers for s'mores, the kids and families would have liked that too!
The campfire was near the D.J., and we could see the other JPAs were dancing, so Mauricio and I went to join. There were lots of kids dancing, too! At one point the D.J. was playing Bachata music so a couple of us were dancing Bachata. I was trying to dance but I couldn't because I was limping. I told Esmeralda to take Mauricio to dance with the group of counselors but he said that he didn't know how to. I told him that the girls would teach him, they even said so themselves, but he refused. I tried to dance with them instead, but my toe hurt too much, so they told me to sit and watch. Too bad- I love Bachata!

In the end, it was a great day for us and the people that came to the campfire event! The D.J. even asked us if we are coming back next month because and we work well as a team. He said that it was great that we had so many people eating marshmallows and going on little adventures to look for clams and hermit crabs!  I'm looking forward to the next time!

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Roasting marshmallows by the campfire
Sincerely, Carlos Garcia

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