Tuesday, July 28, 2015

CHV Beach Walks and Crab Hunt

Welcome back folks, it's blog time!

        So far at Camp Harbor View we've taken kids on hikes up to the old fort, participated in the Amazing Race, taught them about sea glass and beach artifacts, and taken them fishing off the docks. This week, since the tides were with us in the morning (low) we were able to take the kids on beach walks. We showed the kids the best places to look for sea glass, showed them the different kinds of animals that live in tide pools (hermit crabs, periwinkles, Asian shore crabs, etc.).
A couple of campers from GPL search the tide pool for any signs of life.

      We also took the opportunity to teach the kids about invasive species, specifically the Asian shore crab, which eat the larvae and eggs of lobsters and other crab species native to the Harbor.Over the course of the week we started a contest between the different CHV Lighthouses (camp groups) to see who could catch the most Asian shore crabs. The campers love any chance to prove their Lighthouse is the best, so they all got really into it. The first team, M-Dot managed to catch 166 crabs, Sandy Nook, caught 169, GPL manage to pull into the lead on day 2 with 212 crabs, but Heron Nook took the contest on day 3 with a whopping 370 crabs!
Campers and counselors scour the beach, on the hunt for Asian shore crabs.

That's all for now!
Justin Warrener

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