Monday, July 27, 2015

CHV Fishing Trip and Children's Museum

As a conclusion to the first month and first group of campers at Camp Harbor View, the members of the fishing club joined Save the Harbor and our boat's captain, Charlie, on a fishing trip around the harbor. We started off our day with the plan of meeting the campers at the island. This is as opposed to going with them there. On our way there, Charlie spotted and successfully caught multiple schools of mackerel. We had already caught a majority of the day's catch before it had even really began. From then on, it was a long day of moving around the harbor looking for good fishing spots. The captain had what I assume was a sonar, as it was able to tell the depth of the water as well as its contents to see if there were any fish. He was able to tell if the water was dead, and had nothing, or good, and full of life. By the end of the trip we had a catch comprised of many mackerel, 3 skates and 2 blackfish.

Randy (center) holding up a skate he caught prior to the trip

The following day, I had been assigned to go to The Children's Museum. A lot of the same happens there, as I found out, that happens at Camp Harbor View. We teach fishing to kids who pass by, as well as show them different crabs that we pull up from the traps. I was surprised while working there by the amount of tourist there were, especially ones from other countries that were interested in fishing. By the end of the day, I had talked to people from Spain, Sweden, Mexico, France and China. It was cool to try and talk to them even with a language barrier.

-Ian P.

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