Friday, July 3, 2015

Excited to be back!

Hi everyone! My name is Kelly Randall and I am a full time staffer with Save the Harbor/ Save the Bay. I started working for STH last summer as a Senior Harbor Educator, I then came on board as a communications intern for the fall and was hired full time at the start of 2015 to assist with fundraising, communications, and outreach! This summer, I will be working as a Senior Harbor Educator once again- and I could not be more excited to get back out onto Boston Harbor! 

We just wrapped up our summer staff orientation where we were able to meet all of the amazing educators, college students, and high school students who will be working with us this summer. I can already tell it is going to be a fantastic year- everyone is so enthusiastic about working on the harbor with the region's youth and teens! Our orientation consisted of program site visits, getting-to-know-you games, a trip out to the Boston Harbor Islands National Park, and a storytelling workshop with Norah Dooley (also known as Mary Read the Pirate). We all had a ton of fun and I'm sure I can speak for everyone when I say that this summer will be incredible! 

2015 Youth Environmental Education Program Summer Staff
-Kelly Randall-

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