Thursday, July 23, 2015

Field trip to Piers Park

Hey guys!
Since The summer has started I have been placed at the Boston Children's Museum but today things got switched up for me and I went to Piers Park. I am also going there tomorrow for a second day and I am so excited! At Piers they work with the same kids everyday of the week which is nice because you get to know them and know how to motivate them to get involved. The best thing about this location is all of the different activities there are. We get to take the kids fishing and have crab traps set up like BCM does, but Piers also has a game portion, sailing and kayaking. Most kids don't get to experience activities like this so it is such a nice feeling being a part of it and seeing them try all these new things. I am excited to go back tomorrow and can't wait for Friday when I'm back at the BCM to see what's new since I've been away.

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