Friday, July 24, 2015

Finding Clams!

Hey you guys at Carson Beach!
 The kids from the YMCA and I dug for clams. As we kept digging we found so many clams and snails. The look on the kids faces as they were digging was so amazing because every time they would find a clam they would just yell "HEY HEY look I found another
one!" Turns out that digging for clams is really fun! I enjoyed every minute digging and so did the

When we first started digging for clams
Showing me the clam he found

All the clams we found!

Later in the week, a couple of us staff went to the Better Beaches event in East Boston. We found so many clams but the ones at Carson beach were way bigger then then the ones at Constitution Beach. At Constitution Beach there are a lot of quahogs! I had so much fun at the Better Beaches event and would like to go back this summer.

Until next time!

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