Wednesday, July 8, 2015

First Day at Camp Harbor View

Hi everyone!

      Justin here again with blog round 2! With orientation over it was time for my awesome team and I to head out to our site for the first time. On Monday we caught the ferry out and took a harbor cruise with the Camp Harbor View kids. We even got to help lead some of the camp songs as we were docking! After that we met the fishing club, who we will be seeing every day while we are at CHV.

      Tuesday is when the fun really began. We took the ferry out with the kids again and got our fishing rods, floating crate, and crab trap set up as soon as we got off the boat. The real treat though, was the 30 inch striper Bruce and I caught the night before. The kids loved getting to hold the fish and take pictures with it.
Natasha may have been the first one to step up and hold the striper, but she sure wasn't the last.
      And right then is when our floating crate tried to float away! After a failed attempt to wrangle it back in with our net, I decided to go for a swim! The kids got a real kick out of that!
Crate secured, Sam helps pull me out of the water!
      After lunch it was time for fishing club. They got a special treat. While they were fishing with the rest of my team, I filleted the striper for them and every kid got a piece to take home! About half of them were so interested in it they decided to watch me instead of fish.

      At the end of the day, we took what was left of the striper and put it in the lobster trap to leave overnight. I can't wait to pull that up and see what we get.

This is Justin Warrener, signing off!

(Come back later in the week and you can read about our fishing trip with the CHV fishing Club)

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