Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Fish Prints @ Spectacle

Hi Friends!


Today was my first official day back on AABH and it was amazing!  Arriving on the dock after our quick boat ride over, it felt like last summer never ended and I was walking right back into my normal routine.  The eager kids and counselors hustled off of the boat and wondered what to do first.  Normally fishing and sports are the big contenders when it comes to activities, however today I brought along a unique treat.

Thanks to Bruce's fishing skills, I was given a black fish to ink up and use to create beautiful fish prints.  At first the kids were more interested in the fish itself.  Asking if it was still alive (no wasn't), where it came from, and what I was going to do with it.  However, before I could even finish explaining, the kids eagerly grabbed brushes and started choosing ink colors and designs.

It was a color storm of blues and greens and splattered inks but after a few trial and error attempts, the kids got the hang of it.  And the final pieces they produced are really beautiful!  Once my hands were sufficiently stained blue and purple, and the fish was all but falling apart, I explained to the kids that it was time to use the fish for bait.  That way it didn't go to waste and it would help them catch more crabs and fish.

Printing took up most of my time today, but everyone else was all smiles at both the fishing and the sports stations.  It was a fantastic start to AABH!  Just like last summer, no day on spectacle is complete without swimming, so I took my inaugural dip.  It was cool, refreshing, and a perfect way to end the day.

Can't wait to see what the rest of the summer has in store!


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