Saturday, July 11, 2015

Fishing Trip with CHV

     In all the times that I have held a fishing rod trying to catch a fish, I have never caught a fish before. But, that all ended on Thursday when we took the Camp Harbor View fishing club out to the harbor to fish. We all had fishing rods and we used live sea worms as bait. The first fish to get hooked on to my rod was a skate, I've seen many skates before, but this was the first one that I had actually caught. We had to throw the skate back into the water because we can not eat skates. Then, another fish was stuck to my hook and we saw that it was a striped bass, but since we were using flounder hooks, the striped bass was able to get away easily. So, that doesn't count and I only had caught one fish. My third bite was a flounder that was a few inches too small, so I wasn't able to keep it and threw it back in the water. 
     My fourth and final bite was a choggie and I was also not able to keep that fish. So, after four bites and three reeled in fish, I was not able to get a fish that I was able to keep.
     I was also reunited with Sam, an alumni employee of Save The Harbor, it was good to see that he hasn't changed. I'm looking forward to the next fishing trip that we do and I know the CHV kids are looking forward to it too. 



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