Hi my name Luke and I am a brand new intern at Save the
Harbor/Save the Bay! I have come from the not so far away lands of West
Hartford, Connecticut to learn the ways of public policy and clean water from
the expert team working at STH/STB. My first lesson here, and probably most
important, has been that people are at the core of any good policy. Much of
what we do at STH/STB is to listen to the good folks of Boston and find ways to
channel their passion for a clean environment through our work into meaningful
actions and events. This lesson became clear as I took part in Save the
Harbor’s Better Beaches Awards Grants Ceremony on Saturday, June 6 during which
35 organizations were awarded more than $200,000 to host free beach events this
summer. These events range from Rock Concerts in Lynn to Quidditch Tournaments
on South Boston Beaches. The work done at STH truly starts and ends with these
people and communities who want clean beaches and clean water to utilize as a
public space. We take
Havlin’s excitement for flying broomsticks and dragons and give him a
clean beach and commonwealth funding to bring his imagination to life for an
entire community. Or we take Boston Community Boating Organization’s desire to
bring sailing to hundreds of juniors this summer and work tirelessly to ensure
the water in the harbor is safe for kids to fall into. Keeping the harbor clean
is our goal, but the people of Boston are at core of everything we do.
I am excited to be part of a dynamic team working for
such a selfless and noble cause. Again, listening to what the People of Boston
want, I anticipate some of our upcoming projects as interns will focus on ways
to permanently rehabilitate Winthrop Beach or a plan to jump start the South
Boston Harbor Trail Project. I look forward to working on these problems and
making a difference for the people in these communities. Of course if you are a
constituent of any community in the
Greater Boston Metropolitan Area and you have concerns, questions, or ideas to
improve the Boston Harbor or Beaches, please contact us! We welcome your input
warmly and will take action on your behalf.
As a new Bostonian, I am overwhelmed by the breadth of happenings
in the City - ALL of which I wish to take part in! From open water swimming at
Carson Beach, to dancing in Cambridge, to out door movie nights, museums, and
concerts, is there a better place to spend summer than Boston? I wouldn’t
believe you even if you told me there was. I feel genuinely welcomed by the
people here and look forward to an amazing summer.
Keep checking the blog for more updates from my fellow new interns,
Kirsten Pfister, Max Pohlnan, and Jessie Thuma (all fantastic people) as well
as more information on our current projects. Keep loving your Beaches!
All the best,
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