Saturday, July 18, 2015

Interesting Week at CHV

     This week at Camp Harbor View was very different from last week. On Wednesday the camp had health advisors come and teach the kids about their health and how bad it is to eat junk food in abundance. There were stations that each group had to go to. Although, we are not health related, we were able to get our own station. In our station we had out our sea glass box and we began to tell the kids about sea glass and other shells or metals that dried up on the beach. The kids were into it for the most part and we even had a game that if they grab a piece of something from the box and tell a pretty interesting story about it they could get a marble, and if they sent in a picture of themselves holding the marble then they would be entered to win a prize. We also met a winner of last years prize, a lobster dinner, which helped give us more credibility.

     The next day, the kids had to do CHV's version of the Amazing Race. Once again, we had our own station, but this time it was on Shell Beach. The way the kids would get their next clue and move is if they found a mixture of three things on the beach. The things were either an oyster shell, clam shell, mussel shell, sea glass, plastic, metal, a blue marble, a brick, or a pine cone. Once they found the three things we asked them for we would take a picture and they would get their next clue.


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