Sunday, July 5, 2015

The Summer Begins

My name is Ana and this year is my first time working with Save the Harbor/ Save the Bay and I'm so excited! I found out about this summer job through my 8th grade teacher Ms. Ryan who I've gone on two service trips with in the past two years. We just finished our orientation and it was not a typical one. We did and learned many new things. The best part of it was meeting the people I'm going to be spending my summer with.

One of the main reasons I'm so excited about this job is the fact that I get to be outside all summer. It's something that is not appreciated by many teenagers. The summer holds boring lazy days for teens where they will be home playing video games or stuck with a office job filing papers. All of us at Save the Harbor/ Save the Bay will be out everyday getting to explore parts of Boston that get looked over far to much and we will be experiencing a new adventure everyday. I also learned how to fish at orientation and I'm sure I'll be learning more and more throughout the summer.

Let summer programming begin!

See you on the harbor,

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