Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Sand Castles At Wollaston and Carson Beach This Week

On July 15-16, five Master Sand Sculptors will create 15-20 ton Sand Castles at DCR’s Carson Beach in South Boston and at DCR’s Wollaston Beach in Quincy as part of Save the Harbor/Save the Bay’s Better Beaches Program before competing in the Revere Beach International Sand Sculpting Festival.

Here's a Sand Castle on Revere Beach to whet your appetite!
The sand will be delivered to the beaches on Wednesday around 8:00 AM and the artists will sculpt from 9:00 – 5:00 Wednesday and Thursday. We hope you will stop by and check out their work. 

Here is some more information about these Master Sand Sculptures:
The team that will be working on DCR's Carson Beach in South Boston consists of Marielle Heessels and Leonardo Ugolini. Heessels is from the Netherlands and Ugolini from Italy. The two will be teaming up to create a 15-ton Sand Castle.

A piece of Heessels' work in Beligium
on her website along with more of her work.
Ugolini (right) works on a sculpture in Japan last year.
Find out more at this website.

In Quincy, Abe Waterman, Morgan Rudluff and Kevin Crawford will be building in the sand of Wollaston Beach. Waterman is from Prince Edward Island, Rudluff from California and Crawford from Australia. The trio will be working to create a 20-ton Sand Castle. You can learn more about Abe Waterman's work on his website, more about Morgan Rudluff's work in her Sand Masters Bio, and more about Kevin Crawford's work on his Facebook page.

This Sand Sculpture by Waterman took 2nd place at a competition
 in Fort Meyers, FL. See this photo and more at this website.
A sculpture by Rudluff.
Find more information about her on this website.

Crawford (left) working on a Sand Castle in Bulgaria,
see this photo and more on his Facebook page.
Save the Harbor/Save the Bay would like to thank the Metropolitan Beaches Commission,  the Department of Conservation and Recreation and the Revere Beach Partnership for their support of the Better Beaches Program.

We would also like to thank the more than 600 people who participated in this year's Harpoon Helps Cupid Splash, and all our Better Beaches program, policy and event sponsors, including Harpoon Brewery, JetBlue, The Boston Foundation, Harold Whitworth Pierce Charitable Trust, Richard Saltonstall Charitable Foundation, P&G Gillette, Comcast, National Grid, The Department of Conservation and Recreation, BCYF Curley Community Center, Boston Centers for Youth & Families, YMCA of Greater Boston, Food Should Taste Good, Mix 104.1, Sullivans and Russo Marine.
This year the Revere Beach International Sand Sculpting Festival will be held on Friday, July 24 and Saturday, July 25 from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. and from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Sunday, July 26. This year’s event features 10 Solo Master Sand Sculptors and 5 teams of Two Master Sand Sculptors competing in our expanded Duo Competition. Admission is free and open to the public. We suggest you take the T to Wonderland or Revere Beach stations.  You can get more information at www.internationalsandsculptingfestival.com

For more information about Save the Harbor/Save the Bay's Better Beaches Program, visit our website, our blog, or follow savetheharbor on Facebook and Twitter.

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