Tuesday, July 28, 2015

School of Mackerel

     On Thursday was the biweekly fishing trip event at Camp Harbor View. We take the fishing club who has been fishing with us for the past two weeks on a boat and take them into the harbor. We then proceed to fish and try to catch something in order for us to take it home. Before getting to Camp Harbor View we went to a spot where there was a school of mackerel and we caught at-least 20 mackerel. It was really cool because they were using these special hook that allowed them to be able to hook 2-5 at a time, instead of the usual one.

     When we finally got the kids we went straight out to the harbor to where the school of mackerels were. But instead we were able to catch two huge totaugs. The totaugs were giving a very big fight and it took a net to bring them in from the surface of the water. It was the biggest fish that I had actually witnessed being caught. It was fun to see how much of a fight big fishes give to a fisherman. We didn't really catch as many fish as the last fishing trip, but the kids still had fun going through the motions of being actual fishermen. I really wanted to catch something because I knew this could possibly be the last time that I would go on the fishing trip. Fishing is pretty relaxing and I'm glad that I have gotten the chance to do it twice on the trip already
Ivaniel Diaz

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