Friday, July 24, 2015

Today at Courageous sailing center and Community boating

Dancing to "Ride that Pony" with Ruth and the explorers!
Really exciting  day at Courageous Sailing Center! We started off the day by teaching the kids Save the Harbor's new fisherman song, and the "Ride that Pony" song. Some of the harbor explorers loved it, and this got their energy going during an early morning.

Down at the dock, we pulled up the crab traps and collected the different types of crabs. We always catch rock crabs and green crabs, but this week we caught an Asian shore crab, and we told the explorers that the invasive Asian shore crabs are harmful to the animals and their habitat in the harbor. It is best for us to get rid of this species. We also found a little tiny fish in one of the crab traps and put it in the in the touch tank with the other rock and green crabs. After a while being in there, one of the crabs pinched the fish with one claw and the other ripped off his head and started eating it!

Savage the crab during his feast!
All of the harbor explorers were really amazed and named the crab, Savage Crab. Up on the pier there was no luck on catching anything, the kids got really board and didn't want to fish anymore, so they played a fun game of "Ninja" with Luke. In the meantime, I was out trying to catch a fish to bring everyone's faith back, but there was no luck on that. 

On our second site, Community Boating we caught a big mouth bass in the eel trap! We kept it in the touch tank for a while to let the kids look at it, and then put it back because it was too small to keep. Out on the fishing dock we didn't have much luck until the end when two explorers each caught a sunfish. They were proud of themselves for catching them and didn't want to leave when time was up. Hopefully, soon we will catch a fish at Courageous and get the kids' faith back and hopefully catch more than two sunfish, or different kinds of fish at Community Boating.

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