Friday, July 17, 2015

Trying New Things

Hi All,

We've had a good week at Children's Museum. First, Mark, Ana, Bella, and Marco have done a great job interacting with the kids, and keeping the site going. They are the ones that make the Children's Museum site what it is. So they deserve a great big THANK YOU for making our site awesome.

Today, we, along with all the kids that stopped by, created a Save the Harbor/Save the Bay banner that is really, really cool. It is so exciting to see all the names of the kids we've helped. I have to say, I'm also impressed with Bella's art skills. We also caught a small, green worm-like creature today. We were unable to identify it, but it had these cool, black bug eyes and stripes. I swear, the harbor is just filled with the most fascinating, fun creatures to uncover. It's such a wonderful experience to feel excited with the kids as they discover crabs and jelly fish for the first time. Each day I get a new sense of the animals we catch.

My goal for the upcoming days and weeks is to find new and interesting activities to add to our site. I  think that Children's Museum has so much potential. We have a great crew and wonderful kids. I really want to keep this site feeling new and different. For me, everyday feels unique...because it is! I really want to give this experience to other people my JPA's, and the kids who come to the site.


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