Friday, July 24, 2015

We caught a flounder!!!

The end of the week was pretty great; we caught a little flounder at piers park and there was also the East Boston campfire later that same day. We do not usually catch fish at piers park but the few times we do it is because they get caught in the crab traps that we have down and this time we caught a little flounder. All the kids were really excited that we caught something other than fish so they surrounded the touch tank for at least ten minutes just staring at it. As always they got a little sad when it was time to put it back into the water but when we explained that we took it away from its home they were eager to return the fish.

The East Boston Campfire was also a really fun event to go to. There were so many families there enjoying the music and having a nice time being at a beach. The people that were in charge were providing marshmallows for people to roast, I saw one of the kids roast four at a time. A little after we got there we started looking for muscles, hermit crabs and periwinkles with what ever kid wanted to look. Towards the end the DJ was doing a dance off type of competition for the kids and was giving out different prizes to the kids that won. All in all it was a good day.

Until next time,

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